Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Beautiful Orchids in Mist House in Singapore Botanic Gardens

This is Mist House in Singapore Botanic Gardens. The orchids are so beautiful and extraordinary. I do not have the names of the orchids. I was too tired then to note the names of the orchids cause I took so many photos on that day and Singapore Botanic Gardens is so big. Geez... I cant make a good photographer...hahaha.

Vanda Manisaki

These orchids are so beautiful. I love the patterns and colours of the orchids. These orchids are Vanda Manisaki.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Beautiful Orchids

I was so fascinated by these beautiful and colourful orchids at Singapore Botanic Gardens that I forgot to take note of the names of these orchids. So sorry, I cant tell you what are the names or breeds of these orchids.

Dendrodrium Hybrids

I simply love all these orchids and their colours. They are so pretty.

White Anthurium